Wear Particle Analysis

Detailed Morphological Wear Particle Analysis

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Oil analysis, including Analytical Ferrography (A-Ferr), provides the greatest value for money of any maintenance monitoring technique. While most maintenance managers are familiar with the general concept of oil analysis, ferrography is oftentimes less understood.

Analytical Ferrography allows the oil analyst to go beyond the typical part per million (ppm) wear analysis of traditional oil analysis to actually determine the morphology of the wear particles present in the oil sample. A-Ferr reveals both the wear mode(s) present as well as the alloy compositions of the wear particles present. Interpretation of the ferrogram gives the analyst a clear picture of the component(s) that are wearing in the system.

In many instances A-Ferr is able to identify catastrophic wear modes, when typical ppm wear metals do not show any sign of the wear condition. A-Ferr can actually pinpoint specific component failure modes, thereby allowing maintenance to take action to avert a catastrophic equipment failure.

The WearCheck system is flexible allowing for the addition of analytical ferrography as either a one-off test on a questionable oil sample, as an automatic upgrade on any oil sample of concern, or as part of your on-going oil analysis testing package.

When utilized in conjunction with a regular oil analysis program, analytical ferrography provides the necessary information to make accurate and decisive maintenance decisions which can mean the difference between scheduled outage and repair versus costly major production losses.

Test Test Method DescriptionMOB 3IND 3AVI 3
ICP Analysis
ASTM D5185
Determines the parts per million (ppm) of all wear metals (Fe, Cr, Ni, Pb, Cu…), contaminants (Si, Na, K….), and additives (Ca, P, Zn, Mg, Mo…).
ASTM D445/D7279
Determine the viscosity of the oil at 40°C (non-engine), or 100°C (engine) to determine if oil is still within specification. High viscosity can indicate oxidation, low viscosity can indicate contamination, improper make-up oil.
Visual Screen
WC Method
A picture of both the oil color/clarity and the bottom of the sample bottle are taken, and any level of contamination, visual oil problems or visible wear debris of the oil is recorded.
Acid Number
ASTM D664/D974/D8045
Determines overall acidity (AN) of the oil which is an indication of degradation. Single best test to determine change-out interval. AN for non-engine oil samples.
Base Number
ASTM D2896/D4739/D8321
Determines remaining alkilinity (BN) of the oil which is an indication of degradation. Single best test to determine change-out interval. BN test is for engine oil samples.
Water Content
ASTM D6304
Determines level of moisture or water contamination in the oil.
Particle Count
ASTM D7647
Determine cleanliness levels of oil to ISO4406:1999. High particle count levels can indicate gross contaminant ingress, wear, filter by-pass or all of these issues.
PQ Index
ASTM D8184
Provide a rapid indication of metallic debris in an oil sample. Detect ferrous wear debris that may be missed by spectrometric analysis.
ASTM D7690
A detailed morphological analysis of the wear debris particles suspended in the oil. A-Ferr can determine the type of wear process and cause of wear in a lubricated system.

Check with your local WearCheck laboratory regarding which specific ASTM test methods are utilized.

- Test included with test package.
- Two (2) of the following test(s) included with this test package.

Analytical Ferrography

A tech doc providing an overview of Analytical Ferrography (wear particle analysis)....

Bill Quesnel

WearCheck Canada
Direct Reading and Analytical Ferrography

According to Webster’s dictionary tribology is "the study of lubrication", and comes fro...

John Evans

WearCheck Africa
What is RPD ferrography?

Oil analysis, including ferrography, provides the greatest value for money of any maintenance monito...

John Evans

WearCheck Africa
Debris Analysis

The wear readings traditionally encountered in oil analysis are expressed as a percentage, or more c...

WearCheck Wear particle Analysis includes everything to set-up a complete Wear particle analysis program. When you purchase a WearCheck Wear particle analysis program you will receive our simplified sample kits (QR-coded bottles & sample forms with mailing packs). All WearCheck Wear particle analysis programs include laboratory testing, sample diagnosis and recommendations, sample report, and access to our patented WebCheck™ system, and companion mobile application to manage your Wear particle analysis program.

WearCheck offers additional programs for Fleet Vehicles, Off-Road Construction, Mobile Equipment, Fixed Plant Machinery, Marine Equipment, Wind Turbine Industry, Aviation/Avionics Systems, Advanced Oil Monitoring, Coolant Analysis, Diesel/Marine/Jet Fuel Analysis, Thermal/Heat Transfer Fluid Analysis, Transformer Fluid Analysis, Grease Analysis, Honeywell TPE-331/TFE-731 SOAP Service.

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