Construction Machinery Oil Analysis

Predictive Analysis for Off-Road Machines

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Whether you operate construction equipment, or any other type of off-road machinery your fleet represents a large investment, and sometimes the difference between profit and loss depends on keeping operating costs low. Knowledgeable owners understand the benefit of proper maintenance and care of equipment. Through the routine monitoring of the condition of your machines WearCheck offers you a service to aid your maintenance practices. WearCheck's oil analysis service detects abnormal equipment condition before that equipment runs into costly repairs, with time to schedule corrective action. This reduces the cost of your repairs. Problems are caught early, minimizing unscheduled, costly downtime. WearCheck helps you to extend the life of your valuable investment.

WearCheck's Oil Analysis Program only requires you to take a small sample of the oil from each component being monitored. You are provided with clear and concise directions, forms and sample bottles needed to submit samples to the WearCheck laboratory.

After you have taken the sample you simply fill out an information sheet and submit it with your oil sample to the WearCheck laboratory. Once the sample is received several tests are performed to assess the conditions of the component. Once complete you receive a detailed oil sample report with a concise diagnosis and clear recommendations.

WearCheck provides access to ADOAPT, our industry standard RESTful API that allows you to fully integrate your oil analysis results and program with your CMMS or EAM platform that will automate all the essential oil analysis program tasks to ensure your oil analysis program is both efficient and effective and provides maximum ROI for your oil program budget.

WearCheck's Oil Analysis is being effectively used today for a broad range of mechanical equipment, operating in a wide variety of industries including transport, marine, mining, construction, agriculture and the military.

  • Oil
  • Coolant
  • Fuel
  • DEF
Test Test Method DescriptionENGHYDRTRANGEAR
ICP Analysis
ASTM D5185
Determines the parts per million (ppm) of all wear metals (Fe, Cr, Ni, Pb, Cu…), contaminants (Si, Na, K….), and additives (Ca, P, Zn, Mg, Mo…).
ASTM D445/D7279
Determine the viscosity of the oil at 40°C (non-engine), or 100°C (engine) to determine if oil is still within specification. High viscosity can indicate oxidation, low viscosity can indicate contamination, improper make-up oil.
Visual Screen
WC Method
A picture of both the oil color/clarity and the bottom of the sample bottle are taken, and any level of contamination, visual oil problems or visible wear debris of the oil is recorded.
Infra-red Analysis
ASTM D7624/D7414,5/D7844
Measures the amount of soot & carbon present in the oil as well as the oils level of oxidation, nitration and sulfation by Fourier-Transform Infra-red.   
Base Number
ASTM D2896/D4739/D8321
Determines remaining alkilinity (BN) of the oil which is an indication of degradation. Single best test to determine change-out interval. BN test is for engine oil samples.   
Acid Number
ASTM D664/D974/D8045
Determines overall acidity (AN) of the oil which is an indication of degradation. Single best test to determine change-out interval. AN for non-engine oil samples.   
Particle Count
ASTM D7647
Determine cleanliness levels of oil to ISO4406:1999. High particle count levels can indicate gross contaminant ingress, wear, filter by-pass or all of these issues.   
PQ Index
ASTM D8184
Provide a rapid indication of metallic debris in an oil sample. Detect ferrous wear debris that may be missed by spectrometric analysis.   

Check with your local WearCheck laboratory regarding which specific ASTM test methods are utilized.

Test Test Method DescriptionCOOL
ICP Analysis
ASTM D5185
Determines the parts per million (ppm) of all wear metals (Fe, Cr, Ni, Pb, Cu…), contaminants (Si, Na, K….), and additives (Ca, P, Zn, Mg, Mo…).
Color / Appearance
Pictures of color/clarity and visual debris (bottom of sample) are taken and coolant color, levels of contamination and visual problems are recorded.
pH Level
ASTM D1287
Measures the pH of the coolant. Too low of a pH can cause corrosion, while too high of a pH can cause damage to gaskets and softer metal components in the cooling system.
% Glycol
ASTM D3321
Determine the percentage of glycol present in the coolant by measuring the refractive index. Optimum freeze protection is achieved when the glycol percentage is between 45 and 60% of the total coolant mix.
Freeze Point
ASTM D3321
The freeze point of the coolant is calculated based on the percent glycol and the type of coolant (ethylene / propylene) base in use. The freeze point determines the lowest temperature use of the coolant.
WC Method
Determination of the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) present in the coolant. High TDS can cause corrosion, additive drop-out and increase bacterial growth in the coolant.
WC Method
Measures the amount of remaining supplemental coolant additives (SCAs) present in a conventional coolant. SCAs provide corrosion protection to the cooling system.
Reserve Alkalinity
ASTM D1121
A determination of the remaining alkalinity reserve in a conventional coolant. The reserve alkalinity is an indication of the coolants ability to maintain an optimal pH level.
WC Method
Test kit method for determination of carboxylates in Extended Life Coolant (ELC).  Carboxylates provide protection against corrosion and cavitation so their concentration level must be monitored.

Check with your local WearCheck laboratory regarding which specific ASTM test methods are utilized.

- Test included with test package.
- Method performed for Conventional and Hybrid Coolants.
- Method performed for Extended Life Coolants (ELC).

Test Test Method DescriptionFUEL
ICP Analysis
ASTM D5185
Determines the parts per million (ppm) of all wear metals (Fe, Cr, Ni, Pb, Cu…), contaminants (Si, Na, K….), and additives (Ca, P, Zn, Mg, Mo…).
Cetane Index
ASTM D4737
Standard test method for calculated cetane index by four variable equation. Cetane index provides a measure of fuel ignition quality.
Sulfur Content
ASTM D5185/5453
Measurement of the sulfur content in the fuel by dispersive X-ray Spectrometry or Inductively Couple Plasma (ICP) Spectrometry to verify S15, S500 or S5000 specification.
ASTM D445/D7279
Determine the viscosity of the oil at 40°C (non-engine), or 100°C (engine) to determine if oil is still within specification. High viscosity can indicate oxidation, low viscosity can indicate contamination, improper make-up oil.
Particle Count
ASTM D7647
Determine cleanliness levels of oil to ISO4406:1999. High particle count levels can indicate gross contaminant ingress, wear, filter by-pass or all of these issues.
ASTM D86/D2887
Determines quantitatively the boiling range characteristics of the fuel. Assists in the determination of the cetane index and closed-cup flash point and can identify impurities in the fuel.
API Gravity/Density
ASTM D7777
Standard test method for density, relative density and/or API gravity of liquid petroleum by portable digital density meter.
Flash Point
ASTM D93/D7215
Determination of the Pensky-Martens closed cup flash point by closed-cup testing apparatus or calculated from SimDis. Low flash points can present a flammability hazard.
Water & Sediment
ASTM D1796/D2709
Determination of the amount of free water and sediment present in the fuel by centrifugal method. Excessive water causes corrosion and sediment can lead to fuel system fouling.
Microbial Content
ASTM D6469
Multi-day test wherein agar is inoculated with the fuel sample and the amount of bacteria, fungi and/or mold colonies developed are counted and reported.

Check with your local WearCheck laboratory regarding which specific ASTM test methods are utilized.

- Test included with test package.
- Water & Sediment and Microbial Content testing is only performed when other tests warrant or by special request.

Test Test Method DescriptionDEF
ICP Analysis
ASTM D5185
Determines the parts per million (ppm) of all wear metals (Fe, Cr, Ni, Pb, Cu…), contaminants (Si, Na, K….), and additives (Ca, P, Zn, Mg, Mo…).
Visual Screen
WC Method
A picture of both the oil color/clarity and the bottom of the sample bottle are taken, and any level of contamination, visual oil problems or visible wear debris of the oil is recorded.
ISO 12185
Determine density of DEF fluid to determine the concentration of urea is on specification.

Check with your local WearCheck laboratory regarding which specific ASTM test methods are utilized.

WebCheck v2

WebCheck v2, the new oil analysis management platform developed by the multidisciplinary team of experts at WearCheck International is an intuitive and simple platform that provides you with all the information, trends, and maintenance recommendations you need to keep your equipment in top condition. With a focus on reliability and efficiency, the WebCheck v2 platform takes your equipment maintenance to the next level, all from the comfort of your phone, tablet, or laptop.

Bill Quesnel

WearCheck Canada
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Construction Machinery Oil Analysis

Sales brochure on WearCheck's Construction Machinery Oil Analysis Programs....

WearCheck Const Analysis includes everything to set-up a complete Const analysis program. When you purchase a WearCheck Const analysis program you will receive our simplified sample kits (QR-coded bottles & sample forms with mailing packs). All WearCheck Const analysis programs include laboratory testing, sample diagnosis and recommendations, sample report, and access to our patented WebCheck™ system, and companion mobile application to manage your Const analysis program.

WearCheck offers additional programs for Fleet Vehicles, Mobile Equipment, Fixed Plant Machinery, Marine Equipment, Wind Turbine Industry, Aviation/Avionics Systems, Advanced Oil Monitoring, Coolant Analysis, Diesel/Marine/Jet Fuel Analysis, Thermal/Heat Transfer Fluid Analysis, Transformer Fluid Analysis, Grease Analysis, Wear Particle Analysis, Honeywell TPE-331/TFE-731 SOAP Service.

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